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Who Are You, Really? Discovering Your Divine Identity

The enemy’s greatest fear is when you discover who you are in Christ. Since the moment you were born, you became a threat to his plans, which are to steal, kill, and destroy destinies. He knows that when you walk in your true identity, you can threaten his schemes, impact and influence souls, and break generational cycles. The only way he can win is by persuading you to disown your birthright. He wants you to be blind to the privilege you have as a Kingdom son/daughter. Don’t let him win! Grab hold of your kingdom privilege, get in position, and fulfill your assignment in the spaces where He has placed you.

No one is you, and that is your superpower.

Life can be complex at times, right? From the very moment you were born, the questions we constantly ask ourselves are: Who am I? and Why was I sent? Those two questions are pretty loaded, and many people spend a lifetime trying to figure them out. On top of that, many elements in life compete to shape who you are. These include your environment, your parents, experiences, friends, and more. Daily, you’re bombarded with other people’s perspectives. Some may try to impose their plans onto you, and if you’re not careful, you could navigate through life following a narrative that crushes your identity.

To add to it all, we live in a world where people idolize celebrities. With social media on the rise, we now have insight into others’ lives, making it easy to fall into the comparison trap. Plus, we live in a culture that glorifies following trends. Peer pressure is real, and God forbid you try to be yourself—you might get shunned! No one likes to be judged, and everyone wants to feel accepted. As a result, many navigate through life living as imposters. They’ve buried who they truly are at their core and have cloned themselves with someone else’s identity in an effort to fit in.

You were sent to make a difference here on Earth.

An imposter is someone who pretends to be someone else. When you don’t operate in who God has called you to be, you are posing as an imposter. When you hide your personality, belittle your gifts or talents, and fail to cultivate your full potential—you are, my friend, an imposter. You see, when God created you, He did so with the end in mind. When you operate in anything else that does not resemble His finished work, you are not living in your own identity. This grieves God, and it should grieve you. It robs both you and others of the gift that you are. The earth needs the real you.

Your playing small does not benefit the world.

The enemy loves it when you operate outside of your identity because he knows that if you live a life not tied to your authenticity, he can abort your destiny. The world can only respond to your true, authentic self. There’s a scripture that states: “The world is waiting for God’s sons and daughters to rise up.” I often wondered about this scripture. It implies that many are living but are not awakened to their true call or identity.

When you live a life that is not true to you, you leave a void in the earth that only your authentic self can fill.

I was one of many who struggled with my identity. As a child, I had full assurance of who God created me to be. Many referred to me as an old soul, and I knew God had a purpose for my life. However, at the age of twelve, I was molested, and I felt like a part of my identity was stolen from me. As I grew older, hurt, lack of confidence, rejection, and depression began to bury who I was. The weight was heavy, and I carried it around for years. I was spiraling down and needed to be saved quickly. One day, while I was in my room drowning in tears, I collided with God, and He changed my life forever. He relieved me of all the pain and healed me to my core, and I was rebirthed. Purpose saved my life.

Have you ever gone through a tough season that caused you to question your existence? In seasons like this, our identity is often challenged. But we serve a God who can save and restore us back to our rightful place in Him. He created you to win.

God made no mistakes when He created you. He made you unique. Imagine—there are billions of people in the world, and no one has your fingerprint. He made you with the perfect personality, gifts, race, and appearance—these were all given to you by God. Even the family you were born into plays a significant role in shaping who you are, good or bad. On top of that, you are a born winner. Literally, out of all the seeds in your mother’s womb, you won the opportunity to LIVE. Victory is in your DNA. God loves you so much that He took His time to breathe life into you. You are constantly on the mind of a King; He knows you by name, and He spoke a word, and now you are here. You are God’s living word. You are special. You are chosen by God. And if that weren’t enough, He gave His life so that you could live.

God did not pay the price for you to discount yourself. You are loved, and you have purpose.

I want to encourage you today: if you struggle with your identity, it’s time to unpack. Get rid of all the clutter that your glorious self is buried under. Unpack the hurtful words, negativity, depression, false philosophies, and rejection. If you’re dealing with low confidence, I encourage you to give it over to God. Allow Him to envelop you with His love and reveal YOU to yourself. Cover yourself with His Word and consult Him about your design. He is eager to unveil your true nature to you, and once He does, own who you are. You are special. You are an original. You are priceless.

Now go walk out your destiny.


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